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Technorati Profile

Men think about sex every seven seconds........
Males are driven to reproduce, evolutionarily speaking, but there is no scientific way of measuring to what extent that desire consumes their everyday lives.
The sex lives of our prehistoric ancestors’ were likely similar to the promiscuous, no-commitment bonobo chimpanzees
Women in ancient Egypt prevented pregnancy with plugs made of crocodile droppings
Proportionally and compared to other primates, human males have massive genitalia
Based on artifacts and cave paintings, Ice Age women were likely to enjoy sex as much as their male mates
In 2005, the average first time for US girls occurred at the age of…17 Years of age.
That females have a weaker sex drive than men is…A cultural misconception
The most common sexual problem among men is…Premature ejaculation
It is a common misconception that pregnancy can’t occur…Without male orgasm
Whether put to use or not, males produce about…300 million sperm every day
Courtesy: http://www.livescience.com/
Surya | Myself. I have a wife, but my thirst for females is large. I dreamt of getting intimate with every sexy female I met, but simply couldn’t due to my society consciousness. My dreams were realized only when I stepped on Shinde’s Island. | |
Anjali | My wife, very devoted to me. She likes to be fashion. | |
Charan | My friend, also Anjali’s friend. He introduced me to Shinde’s Island. | |
Roma | My sexy cabin mate. She’s got sexy curves. I crave to touch her, feel her and consume her, but fear of rejection and fear of society keeps my hands out of her. | |
Dr Shinde | Notorious Psychologist & inventor of the conceptual community where everyone shares equal rights for everything, even sex. | |
Dr Manoj rane | Dr shinde’s assistant. | |
Dr Priyanka | A Hypnotist. She hypnotizes the clients, and programs their mind to adapt to the Island concepts and to shedding away their inhibitions to sexual taboos. | |
Dr James Smith | A Gynecologist. He and his team invented a gadget that permits a woman to not to become pregnant till they want to. | |
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