
Sunday, April 22, 2007

How to avoid rape

Close to one in six women is raped at some point in her life, according to the U.S. Justice Department. Knowing how to avoid becoming a victim is something every woman needs to know.

If a woman feels threatened, only she can decide what is the best course of action to take in that moment, but research has identified certain strategies that seem to work better than others.

How to Avoid Becoming a Victim

Girls in their teens are particularly at risk with the age of 14 marking the peak risk age, according to the FBI. Experts advise always staying in well-lit areas and being aware of your surroundings to discourage potential attackers.

While You're Out

·         Don't leave your beverage unattended at a bar or party.

·         Don't accept a drink from an open container.

·         Watch out for your friends if you're at a party, and be sure to arrive and leave in a group.

·         Don't go to an isolated area with someone you don't know or trust.

·         When walking outside, walk facing traffic so a car cannot approach you unnoticed from behind.

·         Don't take shortcuts you're not familiar with or that are routed through dim, unpopulated areas.

·         If a motorist stops to ask you a question, keep walking and stay on the sidewalk. Don't approach the car.

·         Avoid areas that are filled with bushes, trees or shadows. Stay out in the open, in well-lit, busy areas.

While Driving

·         Keep your car doors locked and your windows rolled up when after dark.

·         When you approach your car in a parking lot, keep your keys in your hand, check to be sure no one is hiding inside the car, and then lock the doors as soon as you get in.

·         Don't pick up hitchhikers or stranded motorists whatever gender they are.

·         If you're in a traffic accident, don't get out of your car or open the window to talk to the other motorist. Stay inside and wait for the police to arrive.

·         Some rapists have impersonated police officers pulling over vehicles. If you are pulled over by an unmarked car at night while you're alone, only pull over in a well-lit area where other people are present. A real police officer will understand your concern.

At Work

·         Avoid stairwells and rarely used hallways.

·         Don't get into an elevator alone with anyone who seems suspicious. Trust your instincts on this.

·         When on an elevator, stand near the control panel so you can push the alarm button in an emergency.

·         When waiting for an elevator, stand away from the door so you can't be pulled on.

·         Call someone at home to let him or her know when you're leaving work at night, and when to expect you home.

·         If after dark, ask a security guard or colleague to walk with you to your car / public transportation.

On Public Transportation

·         Always stay alert; don't sleep or drift off on the bus or subway.

·         Take a seat close to the driver.

·         If someone seems suspicious, move away from the person to a seat closer to the driver or to another car.

·         Choose subway cars that are full of people.

·         Arrange for someone to meet you at your destination to walk or drive you home.

Crimes of this nature can also take place at a residence, and, among women victims of rape and sexual assault, 70 percent of the crimes were committed by intimates, relatives, friends or acquaintances, according to the U.S. Justice Department.

Remember: most victims know the rapists

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